Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A phoned in audition

It was a Wednesday in March 09. Today was the day. I had auditioned for Johnny and Steve on a 3 way cell phone call. I had to play as many Van Halen licks as I could remember that morning. "Do you finger tap?" Asked Johnny. "Can you play Journey?" So I played something that resembled tapping. What they were really asking was that being a girl, could I really play like their guy? What if I couldn't really play? They had to hear for themselves. "I'm not worried about playing" I said. "I am more concerned as how to get to Vegas and where I am going to stay". They seemed to be satisfied with my playing. "Fine." said Johnny. " We will get back to you." Somehow I knew I got the gig. I knew I was going on the road for the first time. They didn't say yes for sure but I knew I had it. I had another part time job I was doing. I remember taking the train to downtown and knowing that I had the gig. I just knew that day. it's interesting how you can really know an outcome even before it's been confirmed. Maybe it's just a feeling. Maybe just intuition. It's hard to describe. I just think of it like a knowing the way you know where you live and what your routine is everyday. Later that day as I was taking the train home I looked at my cell phone. I got a text saying in bold letters: THE GIG IS YOURS IF YOU WANT IT. I just stared at it. It's funny how you just know before you know....